I Heard the Lord Say: "But THEN..."

You were idolatrous and covetous, but then...

You were bound and broken, but then...

You were ashamed and condemned, but then...

You were accused and convicted, but then...

You were dead and stinking, but then...

You were afraid and hiding, but then...

You were tired and weak, but then...

But THEN ....
"I cried out to the Lord, “God, come and save me!” He was so kind, so gracious to me.
Because of his passion toward me,
he made everything right and he restored me.
So I’ve learned from my experience
that God protects the childlike and humble ones.
For I was broken and brought low,
but he answered me and came to my rescue!
Now I can say to myself and to all,
“Relax and rest, be confident and serene,
for the Lord rewards fully those who simply trust in him.”
God has rescued my soul from death’s fear
and dried my eyes of many tears.
He’s kept my feet firmly on his path and strengthened me so that I may please him
and live my life before him in his life-giving light." - Psalm 116:4-9 TPT

I was before the Lord, weeping with gratitude for His overwhelming brand new mercies that had met me so profoundly this morning. I could see myself sitting at the foot of His throne and though I was immersed in mercy, I was very aware that I was, like Paul (who called himself in the book of 1 Timothy, 'the worst of all sinners') completely unworthy of even being in His glorious presence. I was vomiting at His feet every wretched thing I could even remember that I had ever done. I was asking for strength to remain free and for the grace to overcome... When suddenly as clear as I had ever heard His voice, I heard..."Psalm 116".

According to Strong's Concordance the number 116 is the word "edayin" in Aramaic It is an adverb and means literally "THEN" or "thereupon". It is defining a moment in time...a NEXT. It solidifies that there is in fact not a finality but an expectation of a change of events. 

When I began to try and read Psalm 116 through blinding tears of thankfulness, I found myself reading it to the Lord as if I had penned the beautiful prayer myself. It became my heart's cry just as it was this flawed and imperfect King named David's cry. It turned from a desperate cry for help to a deep groaning of worship that can only come from a soul that has experienced it's own "But THEN..." moment.

I then began to think of how much Abba loves each of us. I considered the past season of warfare, the targets on our backs and the deep wounds that were gaping but beginning to scab over with durable scar tissue. I considered that for each one of us, it could have went so differently.

Some of us could have died in the wilderness of transition...But THEN...

Some of us could have decided that the cost was too high and relented in defeat, only to find ourselves back in the bondage of Egypt...But THEN...

Some of us could have come into full agreement with the treacherous iniquities that our enemy lawfully held over our heads and become exactly who he said we'd always be... But THEN... oh friends, but THEN!

Our Father came onto the scene and He wrecked the enemy's plan for total annihilation in our lives!!! 

I hear Abba say, "As your transition moves into a state of completion, realize it was I who said defeat would not be your portion. This season of movement was not initiated by our enemy, though he wanted credit for your demise in case you didn't cross over... No, this season was allowed by me to prepare you for your NEXT. Our enemy counted you out when he should have counted on the fact that my children learn to worship in Spirit and in truth in the depths of the valley of the shadow of death. I saw your groaning, your suffering and your humility in the face of great attack. I saw the enemy whisper in your ear that the loss would be too costly and rebuilding would be for naught!!! But THEN... I heard the feeble cry of your heart and the words "Yes Father, I still say yes to whatever You are doing in me for Your Glory..." And THEN... I closed the door to your broken past, your broken dreams and your broken heart... And THEN... I opened the door that no man, no power, no force can close!!! Transition is completing and THEN you will know that it is I, the Lord your God who has done it!"

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Isaac Hernandez